Bridgwater Quaker Meeting

Bridgwater Meeting is a small worshipping group, meeting  every Sunday at Bridgwater Arts Centre. On sunny days we like to  meet in the enclosed garden, otherwise we usually meet in one of the Arts Centre rooms. We welcome enquiries from people interested in finding out about Quakers and our way of worship which is based around sitting together in silence broken occasionally with a few words.

You can find us at:

At Bridgwater Arts Centre, 11-13 Castle Street, Bridgwater, TA6 3DD

Our what3words address is:


We meet:

Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30

Arriving for Meeting should be from 10:20 earliest to 10:40 latest because the entrance is open then (and locked at other times).

Children's Meeting:

Children's meeting by arrangement, please contact clerk.

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